Ahh, cars. Some love them and some don't. Personally I like them and think they are a great way to get around..however a few days ago I hated a particular car with a loathing that could not be lessened.
I stepped into the jail of a car, and it knew it was going to take me on an adventure I did not want to go on. When the door closed...assuring my kidnapping....the car chuckled softly to itself knowing what was coming. I, of course, as oblivious as I am, took out a book and started reading. The car couldn't have decided to start its fun in a more fabulous way than it did.
It rolled my fingers up in the window.
Between my yelling...my sister yelling...my fingers trying to wiggle out, and my mom frantically scrambling for the window roller-downer (and hopefully not rolling it UP instead of down) my stomach did a front flip and forgot to land. This wasn't the first time...so I of course, like a true pro, asked for the air conditioning to be turned up, closed my eyes, loosened my seat belt, and tried to imagine my story. My mind however, decided to be in cahoots with the car, and all it could think about was:
A. The chunky chili I had had about an hour before, and I definitely think there was something in it that my stomach did NOT agree with, and-
B. Allowing my nasty chili to once again meet the sunny air shining through the window...
When we stopped at the gas station, after about five minutes of relaxing and trying to control my frantic breathing, I knew that the future windy road would not come easy, and so..naturally, I instantly went into survivor mode. I lay down, and thought about falling asleep. As we wound around the speedy road, my stomach did a few more front flips, and I asked my mom to pull over in one of those Mom-stop-the-car-now-or-else-I-think-I-am-going-to-die voices that only comes when you really DO think you will die. She did, and we sat there for maybe 15 minutes, where I shakily walked across the road to a pleasant stream in the 'nose hair-freezing' outside air. After that I switched with my sis to the front seat....and I some how hung on to the invisible rope of life until we got to town where my mom bought my 'magic fruit'...
*Drum roll please.......*
I really can not explain how much I love them. After my first bite....I fell asleep until we reached the airport, where we took a plane home (another adventure in itself...)
The moral: Always carry apples in your purse.
Keep me as the APPLE of your eye; hide me in the shadow of the wings.
-Psalms 17:8