
Thursday, October 28, 2010


Scarves! I love them...who couldn't! It just completes the fabulous feel of tramping through snow in -25 weather and exploring hidden coves and trying to not get eaten by snow panthers. Today or tomorrow I plan to go into a whole world and try to fight the snow queen without getting trapped in a frozen lake. Excited? YES!

Monday, October 25, 2010


I woke up this morning, with a more than unwilling heart. I stretched, groaned, rubbed my pathetically tired eyes despite the fact I had gotten more than a full nights sleep, and then I blearily looked out my window. In an instant I was up, camera in hand, one boot on, and outside. Snow sparkled in every crevice, the perfect surface still unmarked from our over-hyper dog Blaze. I don't even know why snow makes me so happy. The beauty? The sparkles? The fact that Christmas is on the way? Even now I am staring out of my window with a longing in my eyes. I want to go and roll around...but unless i want to be soaked all day, I probably shouldn't. Sigh.....I love snow....

Even my computer seems to be freezing from joy.....all well....such is life. Nothing could ruin my mood right now....nothing.....

Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. He casts forth His ice as fragments, Who can stand before His cold? He sends forth His word and melts them. He causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow.

Psalm 147:12-18

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I like fuzz....why? I don't know. Maybe it reminds me of fuzzy socks as I curl up in my bed....maybe it reminds me of my adorable little kitty Fritz....or maybe I just love the word. It is so fun to say. Fuzz. Fuzz fuzz fuzz. Anyways....the deadline for my story is coming up! I have to get it done THIS Sunday....talk about a time squeeze! I will definitely be praying that I can get it done in time. The story train is UP and running! Anyone who would like to join just email melanieshea@earthlink.net and I will add you to the list of participants! For new comers...the story train is where you email things you have written to a bunch of people and they tell you what they think. Fun! I am now curling up on my bed....thinking of fuzz. Fuzz.....

Weekly assignment: go buy a pair of fuzzy socks, unless you already have some, and write a short little story about some people who live in the land of fuzz. If you wish to post it email me at melanieshea@earthlink.net and I would be happy to post it on here for you!

Weekly Bible Chapter: Psalms 103

(If any of you have Bible chapter suggestions please tell me so I can share them!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Favorite Place...

Cafe music pronounces itself from an invisible speaker, and the gentle hum of voices and the coffee machine mingle together. I take a sip of my chill Mango smoothie, and the cold rushes down and oddly enough warms my stomach. I read part of my story, and smile as I realize how well it is coming along. I have my favorite place to write, and every time I go there, Every note of every sound seems to spur on an idea. What are your favorite places to write?

Assignment of the week- Find your favorite place to write, and write there for an hour. Either in a journal or your story, just write whatever you want!

Bible Chapter- Luke 10

Friday, October 15, 2010

Barnes and Noble day...

Barnes and Noble...Just the name has so much. I am sitting on my bed, listening to my favorite song by Owl City...and right now I think....how did they get the name 'Barnes and Noble'. I know that both words are the last names of the two men who founded Barnes and Noble, but it could always be something else. A Noble Barn. The Barn of High class. It would have the best polished wood and the most beautiful stalls for horses.

Anyways, after that perfectly RANDOM writing, my point is, you can make SO much out of just a few words! Never look at one thing and just say 'ok, a store name'. Think of stories BEHIND the name, behind the word, behind everything! That is how you get the best stories.

This weeks assignment: go outside and the first five word you see, make a story behind them. You can mesh them all together or anything you want, just as long as it is the first five you see.

Bible Chapter: Psalms 113 (My FAVORITE chapter!)

Monday, October 11, 2010


As I sit in my soft gushy chair drinking French Vanilla Mocha, I hear my fingers typing on the keys. The beautiful click clacks hold their own stories......I just think of how wonderful writing REALLY is. Creating stories and characters and crying and laughing from your OWN writing....if it blesses you, imagine how much it will bless others!
I have usually been kind of embarrassed to tell others about my stories, thinking about what they will say, and then yesterday I thought. If God gave you the gift of writing what you write, you should NOT be embarrassed...It doesn't matter what other people think, you are writing what God wants you to write, and somewhere out there it will bless someone, even if it is just one person. Isn't this SO true!

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men-Colossians 3:34

Friday, October 8, 2010


Hello! I am in Missouri visiting my older sister, who is amazing. We have been working on our stories and killing nice, creepy brown recluse spiders...not to mention watching movies as long as our poor tired brains will allow us. I feel bad for us authors....or our brains at least. The things we put the poor things through. First we make it come up with the plotline, write the story, tie all the strings, and then when our brain takes a break (called a writers block, hehe....or at least this is MY version of the story) we yell at it until it finally succumbs...it either a. doesn't do a very good job and makes a weak attempt or b. frustratedly makes an amazing story. I personally like the second best. ANYWAYS , I think we should, for this weeks assignment, write OUR version of what our brain goes through...from the brains point of view of course. Sound good? good.

Weekly bible chapter: Psalm 115