
Friday, October 15, 2010

Barnes and Noble day...

Barnes and Noble...Just the name has so much. I am sitting on my bed, listening to my favorite song by Owl City...and right now I think....how did they get the name 'Barnes and Noble'. I know that both words are the last names of the two men who founded Barnes and Noble, but it could always be something else. A Noble Barn. The Barn of High class. It would have the best polished wood and the most beautiful stalls for horses.

Anyways, after that perfectly RANDOM writing, my point is, you can make SO much out of just a few words! Never look at one thing and just say 'ok, a store name'. Think of stories BEHIND the name, behind the word, behind everything! That is how you get the best stories.

This weeks assignment: go outside and the first five word you see, make a story behind them. You can mesh them all together or anything you want, just as long as it is the first five you see.

Bible Chapter: Psalms 113 (My FAVORITE chapter!)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH! I love the picture of the barn and the insinuations! :P Can't wait to go outside, now!
